Lindsay Lohan to leave LA

Lindsay Lohan wants to turn her back on Los Angeles according to reports.

A move to New York or London could be in the pipeline after the Mean Girls star was heard talking about how much she hates the city and its "disgusting" people during this weekend's MuscleMilk Light fitness retreat, an insider said.

A source told E!: "She was going on about how she hates it here and how disgusting the people are. She said she likes New York and London and wants out of this city."

Lohan – who is currently under a court order to wear an alcohol-monitoring SCRAM bracelet – was at the event with her 16-year-old sister Ali, and is said to have hidden the bracelet as she posed for pictures and signed autographs.

Meanwhile, friends of the 23-year-old star fear she won't be able to stay on top of her schedule after her assistant Elinore quit last week in a row over the actress's "24/7" demands and erratic behavior.

Being banned from driving means Lohan needs someone to get her to appointments, including the alcohol education classes the court ordered her to attend.

A source said recently: "Lindsay met Elinore through a mutual friend and she began spending more and more time at Lindsay's apartment. She was still paying rent on her own place but essentially was living at Lindsay's.

"After a few months, Lindsay's up and down moods and her 24/7 demands just got to be too much. Lindsay can be really bossy and mean when she doesn't get her own way and Elinore wasn't even getting paid some of the time."